Techem Customer Portal: Smart services and transparent energy consumption
Project highlights & results:
- Multi-client capable, multilingual customer portal with smart, country-specific services for several million users
- Central administration of properties, flats, user data and documents for property managers and tenants
- Transparency thanks to the ability to view current consumption data and access previous bills at any time
- High user-friendliness and user experience due to design-first approach
- GDPR conformity and finely tuned authorisation logic for various user groups
- Optimisation of recording processes and increased data quality through digitalised and automated processes
- Entire system moved into the Cloud and step-by-step roll-out in 19 countries
Techem will continue to expand its digital service offerings. DCCS supports us as a partner at eye level, bringing a great deal of process know-how and many years of digitalisation expertise to the collaboration.
Jonathan Prokop, Techem
Techem is a leading provider of smart and sustainable building services and market leader in the consumption-based recording and billing of energy consumption. Its services range from energy management and resource protection, living health and process efficiency in the field of real estate. Employing more than 250 people, the Austrian subsidiary headquartered in Innsbruck serves more than half a million flats with some 3 million metres and recording devices all over Austria. More than 5,000 customers use the company’s metering and billing services.
Techem consistently invests in energy efficiency and climate protection
In order to save on energy and costs, digitally available measuring data and real time information are more important than ever. This is why Techem employs a consistent digitisation strategy, including the quick expansion of its remote reading capabilities using smart metres as well as its digital customer portal. Jonathan Prokop, Head of Digital Business Portal at Techem: “We aim to automate billing, creating maximum energy consumption transparency and make safe management of all relevant information easier for our customers.”
A central service portal with country-specific services
The basic requirement was to create a central service portal that meets the needs of different customer groups and target markets. The new system was to provide tenants with the legally required insight into current consumption data in accordance with the EU's EED Directive and help to reduce energy consumption and costs. As an international company, Techem needed a multi-client capable, multilingual and scalable solution usable to millions of users and additionally capable of mapping the country-specific legal regulations and processes in the energy sector.
Another special request was to rethink existing processes together: Their previous use of paper slips for consumer data recording and billing as well as monthly information updates from building managers via e-mail were enormously time-consuming and prone to error. This administrative effort was supposed to be replaced by a consistently digital process. Prokop: “Due to their comprehensive experience in process digitisation and the implementation of complex portal solutions, we have opted for business solution specialist DCCS as our partner and Liferay as our digital experience platform.”
Agile methods and open communication the key to success
To be able to shoulder this massive project, an agile method and a “design first” approach were chosen for its implementation. To ensure an optimal user experience, selected users were involved in the development and design of the new portal from day one. In the course of workshops, Techem and DCCS analysed and optimised the relevant processes and created the respective user stories. A mere six months later, the first prototype for the new customer portal was presented. Due to the company's many markets and their specific requirements and languages, involving various stakeholders and extensive testing were crucial for the project's success. “DCCS's experience in implementing complex digital solutions, extensive communication and team work helped adapting the customer portal for all international locations to offer our customers the best possible service,” Jonathan Prokop puts it in a nutshell.
Due to their comprehensive experience in process digitalisation and the implementation of complex portal solutions, we have opted for business solution specialist DCCS as our partner and Liferay as our digital experience platform.
Jonathan Prokop, Techem
The digitalisation of processes makes paper receipts a thing of the past, significantly increases billing transparency and markedly simplifies processes. The benefits in detail:
Property managers can now call up all important information on buildings they manage, including administration and billing. Properties can be filtered based on various features, consumption figures can be displayed and compared, even digital metres including their location and reading can be accessed. Relevant documents, bills and tenant communication are stored in the portal’s archive section. Moreover, the system delivers various reports on energy consumption and costs. Finely tuned report logics and user administration features ensure GDPR conformity even in complex cases such as tenant changes during the year.
In their personal portals, tenants are able to view and downlad bills and consumption figures, services, dates and useful information and tips on saving energy. By means of authentication, the system displays data in a clearly laid out way via a dashboard tailored to the target group. It delivers intuitive navigation, full text search, smart process wizards and interactive FAQs including videos tailored to the respective user group.
Fit for the future and climate-friendly
With the launch of its customer portal, Techem has made a big step towards digitalisation in the real estate sector. Overwhelmingly positive feedback from its users confirms the system's success. And it continues: After moving the system into the Cloud, the portal is currently being prepared to be used in other languages and its roll-out in 18 countries. Additionally, new features such as energy saving functions e.g. AI-based monitoring and consumption alerts, repair order administration and digital cost recording, are planned. Techem will continue to expand its digital service offerings. “DCCS supports us as a partner at eye level, bringing a great deal of process know-how and many years of digitalisation expertise to the collaboration,” Prokop sums up.
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