Enterprise Portals
Your value-creating, integrated business portal
Would you like to secure competitive advantages in the market with a modern portal or a digital experience platform? Would you like to collaborate with your customers, suppliers or partners efficiently and digitally supported and offer consistently digital and personalised experiences? Would you like to make applications and their data from different systems available to your users on one platform in a clearly structured way?
We realise your portal and DXP solutions
that will create value for your stakeholders and business
customer & partner loyalty
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Simplify and strengthen your business relationships with relevant information and services as well as digitally aided collaborations
Attracting attention
with personalisation
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Personalised content and individual services allow for digital experiences that optimally meet your target groups’ requirements
processes & infrastructures
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Using an open-concept portal, you can optimise your IT infrastructure and processes, increasing efficiency in customer, supplier and partner relations
Modern portals have many facets and offer an exciting digital experience
Future-proof enterprise portals and DXP solutions enable customised information and services as well as consistent digital experiences. Regardless of the target group, portals made by DCCS have one thing in common: they are intuitive to use and combine information and complex services in a clear, high-performance platform.
Our services for your portal
Together, we quickly and efficiently implement your future-proof portal. With advice from experienced consultants, as well as best practices in UX, UI, realisation and implementation, we ensure that your portal offers the services and features that provide real, sustainable added value for your company and your users.
Selected joint successes with customers
Engagement für die Community und unsere Kunden
Als langjähriger Liferay-Partner realisieren wir DXP-Lösungen und Portale, die Mehrwert für die Stakeholder und das Business unserer zahlreichen Kunden schaffen. Darüber hinaus ist uns die aktive Beteiligung an der Liferay Open Source Community sehr wichtig.
Unser Liferay Team, allen voran Liferay Consultant & Architect Christoph Rabel, arbeitet aktiv an der Weiterentwicklung der Digital Experience Plattform mit. Christoph Rabel unterstützt in der Liferay Community bei Fragen und Problemstellungen der User. Mit seinem tiefgehenden Wissen und seiner umfangreichen Erfahrung konnte er in den letzten Jahren viele Herausforderungen der Anwender lösen. Für sein Engagement wurde Christoph Rabel bereits vielfach von Liferay als "Contributor of the Year“ ausgezeichnet.
Dieses teifgreifende Know-how kommt natürlich insbesondere unseren Kunden zugute.
Unser Liferay Team, allen voran Liferay Consultant & Architect Christoph Rabel, arbeitet aktiv an der Weiterentwicklung der Digital Experience Plattform mit. Christoph Rabel unterstützt in der Liferay Community bei Fragen und Problemstellungen der User. Mit seinem tiefgehenden Wissen und seiner umfangreichen Erfahrung konnte er in den letzten Jahren viele Herausforderungen der Anwender lösen. Für sein Engagement wurde Christoph Rabel bereits vielfach von Liferay als "Contributor of the Year“ ausgezeichnet.
Dieses teifgreifende Know-how kommt natürlich insbesondere unseren Kunden zugute.
Platforms & Portals that deliver added value for your business
Would you like to secure competitive advantages in the market with a platform, modern portal or a digital experience platform? Would you like to collaborate with your customers, suppliers or partners efficiently and digitally supported and offer consistently digital and personalised experiences? Would you like to make applications and their data from different systems available to your users on one platform in a clearly structured way?
We realise your platform, portal and DXP solutions
that will create value for your stakeholders and business
Increasing customer & partner loyalty
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Simplify and strengthen your business relationships with relevant information and services as well as digitally aided collaborations
Attracting attentionwith personalisation
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Personalised content and individual services allow for digital experiences that optimally meet your target groups’ requirements
Simplifying processes & infrastructures
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Using an open-concept portal, you can optimise your IT infrastructure and processes, increasing efficiency in customer, supplier and partner relations
Modern platforms and portals have many facets and offer an exciting digital experience
Future-proof platforms, enterprise portals and DXP solutions enable customised information and services as well as consistent digital experiences. Regardless of the target group, portals made by DCCS have one thing in common: they are intuitive to use and combine information and complex services in a clear, high-performance platform.
Our services
Together, we quickly and efficiently implement your future-proof platform or portal. With advice from experienced consultants, as well as best practices in UX, UI, realisation and implementation, we ensure that your portal or platform offers the services and features that provide real, sustainable added value for your company and your users.
Selected joint successes with customers
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