IDW PS 880 certificate for CITAX

With our latest “nextGen” CITAX release, we have placed our established solution CITAX on a new technological, future-proof footing and expanded it with numerous functions. In order to continue to provide our customers with the guarantee that our solution meets the highest standards, we have had CITAX subjected to a renowned, standardised and independent audit. We are very pleased that CITAX nextGen passed this audit with flying colours and has now also found further advocates among the auditors.

IDW PS 880

A certificate that guarantees safety

​​​​​​​The Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer) established auditing standards for software more than 10 years ago, in the form of IDW PS 880. This auditing standard supports auditors in auditing and issuing attestations for software products and also takes into account the requirements of ISAE 3000 (siehe IDW PS 880 – Wikipedia).
The issuance of a certificate confirms that software, when used properly, enables accounting in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Buchführung” GoBS) (see

Since 2015, the GoBD, the principles for the proper keeping and storage of books, records and documents in electronic form as well as for data access, have been a central aspect of the certificate that software solutions must meet. In the GoBD, the tax authorities have specified the requirements of the German Fiscal Code. These requirements include not only the audit-proof storage of documents, but also a complete processing of business cases (from the creation or recording of a business transaction to the process-based, IT-supported processing, to the mapping in the tax balance sheet).

The principles of GoBD therefore not only have an impact on the processes and systems in financial accounting, they must also be taken into account in upstream systems and processes.

Technical requirements & the software development process

Tested and passed!

In the course of the audit, not only were the specialist functions such as the calculation logics of the solution evaluated, but the software development process was also closely scrutinised. The certificate obtained for CITAX nextGen now confirms the correctness of the calculations and the completeness, immutability, traceability and up-to-date availability of the data. With regard to the software development process, the entire product development process was evaluated, from clear distribution of roles and responsibilities to quality assurance and documentation.
The received certification of the value of our solution not only confirms that CITAX nextGen has been developed according to the high standards of IDW PS 880, but also that it meets all criteria of the professional requirements and the correctness of the calculation logics. This certification makes a further contribution to confirming the quality of our solution or the quality of our clients' tax calculations.

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Ralph Schmieder, DCCS