Modernizing Progress applications - but how?

Goal: modern, stable and user-friendly solution

Customers still using Progress databases and applications today face a number of challenges. These challenges relate to both technical and operational aspects and can affect organizations' ability to work efficiently and keep pace with modern technology.

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That's why now is the right time
to think about modernizing & replacing your Progress solutions

Technological obsolescence

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Progress-based systems often run on outdated hardware and software. These are less efficient and increasingly difficult to maintain.
Regular updates are missing and there is a lack of new features, which impairs the efficiency and security of the systems.

Limited integration

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​​​​​​​The integration of Progress solutions with modern systems is only possible to a limited extent. This makes it difficult to integrate Progress systems with modern applications, cloud services and other technologies. The exchange of data between Progress systems and other databases or applications is also becoming increasingly complicated and time-consuming.

Costs and resources

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The cost of maintaining and supporting Progress systems is rising. The shortage of specialists
who have experience with Progress is increasing, which further increases the costs and effort for maintenance and development.

Performance and scalability

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​​​​​​​Older Progress systems are significantly slower than modern solutions when processing large amounts of data and complex queries.
Due to their limited scalability, they are unable to keep pace with the growth of the company and increasing data requirements, which increasingly leads to problems.

User experience

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The user interfaces and overall user experience of Progress applications are often outdated and unintuitive, which affects user productivity. Additionally, the lack of support for mobile devices and remote working further limits employee flexibility and efficiency.

Innovation und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit

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Older systems tend to lack innovation, which limits a company's ability to implement new technologies and innovative business solutions. Companies that cling to outdated technologies fall behind competitors that use more modern systems and risk being at a competitive disadvantage.

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This is how you benefit from your modernization

Future-proof solutions replace proven Progress applications

Replacing Progress offers the opportunity to modernize a company's IT landscape, increase business efficiency and lay the foundation for future growth and innovation. The individual benefits depend on the company's specific needs and goals as well as the modern technology platform chosen.

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We support you in the step-by-step modernization of your Progress applications

  • ​​​​​Step-by-step modernization
    ​​​​​​​Our step-by-step approach to modernizing infrastructure and applications reduces risks and costs
  • Cloud migration
    Migrating to cloud-based solutions improves scalability, flexibility and cost efficiency
  • Hybrid solutions
    Using hybrid solutions that combine old and new technologies makes integration and transition easier
  • Training and further education
    Training and upskilling IT staff is part of any successful modernization and has a direct impact on efficiency and adoption

Proven project approach for progress modernization

Individually adaptable

We modernize complex Progress ecosystems in five phases using our proven, individually adaptable process model:
​​​​​​Phase 1: Needs analysis and planning
Inventory and requirements analysis
Technology and architecture consulting
Project planning and time frame

Phase 2: Design and development
System and database design
Development and migration
Security and compliance implementation

Phase 3: Testing and validation
Test planning and execution
User acceptance testing

Phase 4: Implementation and go-live
Data migration
Deployment and go-live

Phase 5: Support
Post-go-live support
Get in touch with us

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Make an appointment by 31.10.2024 for a free analysis of your Progress applications and an initial recommendation

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Christof Thoma, DCCS