Low-code Solutions
Making your company digitally fit at high speed with low-code
Do you want to digitalise your business processes efficiently? Would you like to launch innovative, digital services and business models onto the market quickly? Do you want to eliminate shadow IT in your company and achieve extensive standardisation of corporate IT and enable citizen development?
Together we efficiently implement
your digitalisation strategy
with the use of low-code platforms
Efficient digitalisation
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Rapid time-to-market for innovative services
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Standardisation of corporate IT
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Efficient digitalisation with low-code solutions to quickly achieve maximum business value
Your digitalisation strategy can be efficiently implemented with the right low-code platform and innovative low-code solutions. Together we quickly digitalise your business processes. Digital services and business models can be tested and evaluated by means of a proof-of-concept and launched onto the market quickly.
Thanks to low-code, you achieve both time and cost savings and maximum business value. In addition, the use of a low-code platform helps you implement an enterprise platform strategy or standardise your corporate IT.
Thanks to low-code, you achieve both time and cost savings and maximum business value. In addition, the use of a low-code platform helps you implement an enterprise platform strategy or standardise your corporate IT.
How your business & IT can benefit from low-code
Low-code platforms benefit efficient digitalisation
Software modernisation and the associated process digitalisation drive the use of low-code platforms. The latter both benefit and accelerate efficient digitalisation.
But what possibilities do low-code platforms offer companies, and how can business and IT benefit from their use? What do you have to consider when choosing a platform and what are the limitations of low-code?
But what possibilities do low-code platforms offer companies, and how can business and IT benefit from their use? What do you have to consider when choosing a platform and what are the limitations of low-code?
Citizen Development: Low-code allows for application development
With low-code, empowered key users, so-called citizen developers, can develop applications themselves under the governance of the IT department, which comply with audits and the clear traceability of processes and thus take over tasks that in the past required in-depth programming knowledge. On the one hand, this relieves the burden on development departments in times skilled workers shortages, and, on the other hand, it helps to integrate the specialised knowledge of the business departments into the applications. Developed on a uniform technological basis, these applications, which meet the specific requirements of the specialist departments, are part of the company's official IT infrastructure. This means that they are subject to standard support processes and can therefore also be operated efficiently.
Faster results with Low / No Code
When it comes to time and cost-efficient software development, low- and no-code platforms increasingly replace conventional, code-based methods. This contribution explains the approach's benefits, what it is best suitable for and what its limits are.
Firmenradl: new mobility platform for employees, companies and retailers
Case Study
Together with DCCS, INTERSPORT has built “Firmenradl.at”, an innovative platform providing easy access to company bicycles. The portal digitally maps the entire process from retailer/brand search to leasing rate calculator and order processing to insurance, service and damage claim processing. The use of low-code allowed the teams to launch this professional, expandable solution onto the market quickly.
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The best out of low-code & pro-code
When it comes your digitalisation projects, we accompany you with our holistic approach and contribute our technical and expert know-how to the design of your tailored solutions. In our projects, we combine the best from low code & pro code. This future-oriented approach accelerates your business applications’ development and deployment time and creates the greatest possible business and IT cost efficiency for your company. Our expertise in implementing low-code solutions, coupled with over 30 years of software development & integration know-how, make us your reliable digitalisation partner in the DACH region.
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