Open source portals and digital experience platforms
In Liferay you invest in a platform that has been positioned in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for many years. Liferay is the ideal basis for digital experience platforms (DXP), portal and collaboration solutions. Liferay convinces with open source technology, comprehensive functions / technical innovations and high user-friendliness.
Open source standards make Liferay solutions platform-independent. They work on existing application servers and are compatible with data bases (mySQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server) as well as operating systems (Linux, Windows) which means they won’t incur any additional costs for new infrastructure. To save development costs, Liferay uses open standards for content, portlets, web services and front-end technologies while also providing building blocks that simplify and speed up the development of intranet, portal and DXP solutions.
When it comes to portal and DXP projects, we accompany you all the way, develop in an agile way and contribute our technical and expert know-how to the design of your tailored solutions. Gathered from 2012 onwards, our experience in the implementation of Liferay solutions combining web content management, collaboration and portal functions makes us one of the most experienced Liferay partners in the DACH region.
Open source standards make Liferay solutions platform-independent. They work on existing application servers and are compatible with data bases (mySQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server) as well as operating systems (Linux, Windows) which means they won’t incur any additional costs for new infrastructure. To save development costs, Liferay uses open standards for content, portlets, web services and front-end technologies while also providing building blocks that simplify and speed up the development of intranet, portal and DXP solutions.
When it comes to portal and DXP projects, we accompany you all the way, develop in an agile way and contribute our technical and expert know-how to the design of your tailored solutions. Gathered from 2012 onwards, our experience in the implementation of Liferay solutions combining web content management, collaboration and portal functions makes us one of the most experienced Liferay partners in the DACH region.
Easy and fast to a new school homepage
Viennese schools benefit from a ready-to-use package of building blocks and pages which enables them to professionally set up a school homepage in just a few hours.
The new offer was developed in close cooperation with the Education Directorate for Vienna, the City of Vienna - Schools (MA 56) and Wien Digital (MA 01). We are pleased to have been able to accompany this project as an implementation partner.
As an IT partner of educational institutions, it is important to us to support the digitalization of schools in all its aspects.
The new offer was developed in close cooperation with the Education Directorate for Vienna, the City of Vienna - Schools (MA 56) and Wien Digital (MA 01). We are pleased to have been able to accompany this project as an implementation partner.
As an IT partner of educational institutions, it is important to us to support the digitalization of schools in all its aspects.
Engagement für die Community und unsere Kunden
Als langjähriger Liferay-Partner realisieren wir DXP-Lösungen und Portale, die Mehrwert für die Stakeholder und das Business unserer zahlreichen Kunden schaffen. Darüber hinaus ist uns die aktive Beteiligung an der Liferay Open Source Community sehr wichtig.
Unser Liferay Team, allen voran Liferay Consultant & Architect Christoph Rabel, arbeitet aktiv an der Weiterentwicklung der Digital Experience Plattform mit. Christoph Rabel unterstützt in der Liferay Community bei Fragen und Problemstellungen der User. Mit seinem tiefgehenden Wissen und seiner umfangreichen Erfahrung konnte er in den letzten Jahren viele Herausforderungen der Anwender lösen. Für sein Engagement wurde Christoph Rabel bereits vielfach von Liferay als "Contributor of the Year“ ausgezeichnet.
Dieses teifgreifende Know-how kommt natürlich insbesondere unseren Kunden zugute.
Unser Liferay Team, allen voran Liferay Consultant & Architect Christoph Rabel, arbeitet aktiv an der Weiterentwicklung der Digital Experience Plattform mit. Christoph Rabel unterstützt in der Liferay Community bei Fragen und Problemstellungen der User. Mit seinem tiefgehenden Wissen und seiner umfangreichen Erfahrung konnte er in den letzten Jahren viele Herausforderungen der Anwender lösen. Für sein Engagement wurde Christoph Rabel bereits vielfach von Liferay als "Contributor of the Year“ ausgezeichnet.
Dieses teifgreifende Know-how kommt natürlich insbesondere unseren Kunden zugute.
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