Real-time data as the basis for innovative services, optimised customer experiences and smart processes
The digital transformation has significantly changed customer expectations. Today's customers expect innovative services and personalised, contextual experiences consistently being delivered in real-time across online and offline channels. The companies that best meet these customer expectations are those that build their processes on top of data streams in a customer-centric way and use data in real time.
With Confluent's Kafka-based, highly scalable event streaming platform, data is always ready to be played and available in real time, and can be processed, stored, and linked to or delivered in an appropriate fashion to any application or system the company uses. The Confluent event streaming platform thus enables companies from many different industries to implement current and future business requirements, innovative services, smart processes and an optimised customer experience on the basis of real-time data.
With Confluent's Kafka-based, highly scalable event streaming platform, data is always ready to be played and available in real time, and can be processed, stored, and linked to or delivered in an appropriate fashion to any application or system the company uses. The Confluent event streaming platform thus enables companies from many different industries to implement current and future business requirements, innovative services, smart processes and an optimised customer experience on the basis of real-time data.
Generating event-driven added value for customers and companies
To meet the demands of today's and future markets, it is necessary to create processes and IT workflows that respond to events in real time in order to immediately create added value for both customers and the company itself.
Event-driven events
Such events can include:
- Article purchases
- Mouse clicks
- Reading a bar code
- The failure of an electric charging station, refrigeration device etc.
- Deviations of values measured by sensors
- And many more
Event-driven processes
Such events are the central concept of an event-driven architecture and an event-streaming platform, triggering real-time processes and activities such as:
- Inventory corrections
- Article ordering process, article dispatch
- Bonus credit on customer account
- Context-specific and tailored customer offers
- Notifications sent to service departments
- Machine deactivation
- And many more
Data as event flows
Using a centralised architecture that allows for event streaming enables companies to develop real-time applications that respond to data events intelligently and automatically – in real time. This opens up new revenue opportunities by identifying the real-time triggers that serve as customers' buying signals. Furthermore, this architecture is the foundation for superior customer experiences and smart processes including new levels of automation.

Based on Kafka, the Confluent Event Streaming Platform, with its structure consisting of connectors, query language, publish/subscribe based data transfer and other functions, allows for pooling, processing and distributing data. And to achieve this, it doesn't use batch processing and point-to-point connections like legacy systems do. Instead, it does all of that in real time and on the basis of the publish-subscribe model, where receiving systems (consumers) are able to “subscribe” to the messages from sending systems (producers).
Real-time data offers great potential for many industries
Whether click & collect in retail, smart mobility services or IoT applications - real-time information opens up a wide range of opportunities for companies and customers. Thomas Renner and Stefan Pirer, business analytics experts at DCCS, explain why the use of real-time data is becoming increasingly important in a wide range of industries.
Real-time in retail
In the retail industry, applications on the basis of real-time data offer amazing potential. A bonus point system for customers that is always up to date, access to up-to-date inventory availability data, real-time sales data to schedule personnel and retail merchandise capacities or optimised customer experiences via real-time based services are more required than ever before to best serve one’s customers.
In our Intersport Real Time Services Case Study, read how our customer INTERSPORT Austria GmbH processes all relevant data from various systems in real time using the Confluent Event Streaming Platform, how it significantly accelerated its processes and how customers and retailers benefit from all of that in our Intersport real-time services case study.
Read Case study
In our Intersport Real Time Services Case Study, read how our customer INTERSPORT Austria GmbH processes all relevant data from various systems in real time using the Confluent Event Streaming Platform, how it significantly accelerated its processes and how customers and retailers benefit from all of that in our Intersport real-time services case study.
Realtime in retail: How realtime data optimises the customer experience in retail and creates added value for retailers
Digitalisation offers up many new opportunities to retailers, but it also resulted in raised expectations and demands from customers. Thus, retail companies are forced to act to present themselves more customer-oriented and future-proof. But what do customers expect? A lot! They want their purchasing process to be an experience – tailored and innovative. Specifically, they want to shop independent of place and time and functioning omni-channel service as well as instant fulfilment, context-related, tailored experiences at all contact points along their customer journey and innovative services that offer added value.
But how can retail companies meet these expectations? What omni-channel services do customers expect from their customer journey? Why are realtime data and realtime inventory management the foundation stone? And what other benefits can the retail sector generate for it and its customers from realtime data?
Get answers to these questions and many more in our whitepaper titled "Realtime in Retail".
Read more
But how can retail companies meet these expectations? What omni-channel services do customers expect from their customer journey? Why are realtime data and realtime inventory management the foundation stone? And what other benefits can the retail sector generate for it and its customers from realtime data?
Get answers to these questions and many more in our whitepaper titled "Realtime in Retail".
We accompany you with expertise and passionT
The use of event streaming platforms enables companies to make well-founded decisions more quickly and provide their customers with innovative services. An analysis as to where and when the use of real-time information makes sense and how data management, storage and expansion can be implemented, is crucial. Missing elements can be added by means of individual software development and appropriate interfaces to the required systems. Via dashboards, portals and apps, companies and their customers then receive access to the real-time information they need. This enables you to optimise your business, services and resources – many aspects of digitisation that will be even more important in the future and a path on which we accompany you professionally, competently and with a lot of expertise and passion as an IT solution partner and Confluent Plus partner.
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