Business Analytics
Insights for your smart business decisions
We help you utilise data as the “gold of the digital age” to benefit your business. Our tailored Business Analytics solutions allow you to make well-founded decisions more quickly.
Benefit from our well-founded Business Analytics know-how, long-standing method, tool and analysis competence. Utilise the data-driven insights thus gathered for your smart business decisions.
We support you holistically
Our services include tactical and technical consulting, consulting related to concepts and platform selection, Master Data Management (MDM) and Data Quality Services (DQS), Data Science, development and implementation, SQL Server operation as well as maintenance & support
MDM/DQS Data Science
Development & implementation
How AI can help increase quality and productivity
Artificial intelligence offers great potential for identifying complex relationships from data and automating processes. In the manufacturing industry, AI tools can provide valuable services, as they solve diverse problems in a computer-based and self-learning manner. Expert Matthias Puhr from DCCS explains what possibilities AI opens up.
Real-time data for optimized customer experience and smart services
Whether it's click & collect in retail, smart mobility services or IoT applications - real-time information opens up a wide range of opportunities for companies and customers. Thomas Renner and Stefan Pirer, Business Analytics experts at DCCS, explain why the use of real-time data is becoming increasingly important in a wide range of industries.
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Generate added value for customers and your company with real-time data
The digital transformation has significantly changed customer expectations. Today's customers expect innovative services and personalized, contextual experiences delivered in real-time across online and offline channels end-to-end. To meet the demands of the market now and in the future, it is essential to create processes and IT workflows that respond to events in real time to create immediate value for both customers and your own business. Read the linked article to find out how this can be achieved and what possibilities event streaming platforms offer.
Business Analytics: Successfully utilising the hype
Business Analytics (BA) have evolved from a trend into a requirement. Using data as the “gold of the digital age” is becoming ever more important to be able to make well-founded decisions more quickly and optimise business processes. All of this, however, requires a holistic understanding of data and processes as well as the right corporate culture.
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Realtime in Retail
Business analytics (BA) has now moved from being a trend to a necessity. In order to make well-founded decisions faster and optimize business processes, it is becoming increasingly important to use data as the "gold of the digital age". The prerequisite for this is a holistic understanding of data and processes, but also the right corporate culture.
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